Public Holidays in Ghana for 2024: A Comprehensive List.

Ndebugri Amos Famouz


Ghana, a country rich in culture and history, observes several public holidays throughout the year. These holidays are a time for citizens to come together, celebrate, and honor significant events and figures. In this article, we will provide a list of statutory public holidays and commemorative days in Ghana for 2024.

Statutory Public Holidays

1. New Year's Day - January 1st (Monday)

2. Constitution Day - January 7th (Sunday)

3. Independence Day - March 6th (Wednesday)

4. Good Friday - March 29th (Friday)

5. Easter Monday - April 1st (Monday)

6. May Day (Workers' Day) - May 1st (Wednesday)

7. Eid-Ul-Fitr - Date to be determined

8. Eid-Ul-Adha - Date to be determined

9. Founders' Day - August 4th (Sunday)

10. Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day - September 21st (Saturday)

11. Farmers' Day - December 6th (Friday)

12. Christmas Day - December 25th (Wednesday)

13. Boxing Day - December 26th (Thursday)

Commemorative Days

1. African Union Day - May 25th (Saturday)

2. Republic Day - July 1st (Monday)

Take note 

-  As we know already, the dates for Eid-Ul-Fitr and Eid-Ul-Adha are movable feasts and it is announced by the Office of the Chief Imam during the year.

- Commemorative days will not be observed as public holidays.

Commemorative days in Ghana are designated to recognize and honor specific events, people, or occasions, but they are not necessarily observed as public holidays. This means that while they may hold cultural or historical significance, they do not entail a day off from work or school.

The reason for this is to maintain a balance between recognizing important events and minimizing disruptions to the work and school calendar. By not observing commemorative days as public holidays, the country can ensure continuity in economic activities, education, and other essential services.

However, it's worth noting that some organizations, institutions, or communities may still choose to observe commemorative days in their own way, such as hosting events or ceremonies, even if they are not officially recognized as public holidays.

Ghana's public holidays are a reflection of its rich history, cultural diversity, and commitment to honoring its heroes. We hope this list helps you plan your year and join in the celebrations. For more information, visit the Ministry of the Interior's website



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