Disease outbreak: Dengue Outbreak in Eastern Region

Ndebugri Amos Famouz


Public Alert: Dengue Outbreak in Eastern Region

The National Surveillance System has identified unusual cases of malaria-like illness in certain districts of the Eastern Region. These cases did not respond to recommended antimalarial treatment regimens and were subsequently managed as acute febrile illness. Further testing at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research confirmed nine cases of Dengue fever.

Understanding Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a viral infection transmitted through mosquito bites. While most individuals infected with Dengue fever do not exhibit symptoms, those who do may experience high fever, headache, body aches, nausea, and rash. In severe cases, Dengue fever can lead to bleeding and hospitalization, and can even be fatal if left untreated.

Preparedness Measures and Actions

To contain the outbreak and minimize its impact, the following measures are being taken:

- A National Emergency Operation Centre meeting has been convened

- Alerts have been sent to all Regions and Districts to enhance surveillance and public awareness

- Enhanced surveillance and entomological assessment are ongoing

- Public education on signs, symptoms, and prevention is being conducted

- Treatment of Dengue fever is being provided in affected areas

Protecting Yourself and Your Loved Ones

To prevent mosquito bites and the spread of Dengue fever:

- Wear protective clothing and apply mosquito repellent

- Use insecticide-treated mosquito nets

- Cover and drain standing water around homes and public areas

- Remove objects that collect water

Avoid Self-Medication and Keep Water Containers Covered

Ghana Health Service urges the public to avoid self-medication and ensure that all stored water containers are kept covered to prevent mosquito breeding.

Working Together to Contain the Outbreak

Ghana Health Service  understands the concern this outbreak may cause, but we assure you that we are working tirelessly to contain it. Let us work together to prevent the spread of Dengue fever and keep our communities safe.

Dengue fever is a serious disease, but with prompt detection, treatment, and prevention, we can contain this outbreak and limit its impact. Let us work together to prevent the spread of Dengue fever and keep our communities safe.

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