NAGRAT Speaks Out Against the Free SHS Bill.

Ndebugri Amos Famouz

NAGRAT Expresses Concerns Over the Free SHS Bill.

National Association of Graduate Teachers  are speaking out against the government's decision to introduce a Free Senior High School Bill without consulting them first. The move has left them feeling disregarded, ignored, and worried about the impact on their students and the future of education in the country. As educators, they are passionate about providing quality education, but the lack of consultation has made them feel undervalued and disrespected.

At a recent meeting, NAGRAT expressed its disappointment and concern over the lack of input from stakeholders, particularly teacher unions. The proposed bill would merge Junior High School with Senior High School, eliminating the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) as a requirement for admission. This drastic change would have far-reaching consequences for students, teachers, and the entire education system.

NAGRAT is worried about the impact this would have on the education system and the teachers who have made significant sacrifices since the implementation of the Free SHS program. The association has consistently called for a review of the program to address its flaws and enhance its benefits. However, their concerns have fallen on deaf ears, and the government has pushed forward with this new bill without consulting the very people who will be most affected by it.

The lack of consultation is a clear indication of the government's disregard for the teaching profession and the education sector as a whole. Teachers have been instrumental in the implementation of the Free SHS program, making significant sacrifices to ensure its success. Yet, their inputs and concerns are being ignored, and their expertise is being disregarded.

NAGRAT demands that the government suspend the bill's presentation to parliament and engage in broad consultation with stakeholders. The education system is too important to be left to the whims of politicians. It requires careful consideration, consultation, and collaboration with those who know it best.

Ghana's education system is at a crossroads, and NAGRAT is urging the government to take a step back and engage in meaningful consultation with stakeholders. The fate of our children's education cannot be decided by politicians alone. We need a collaborative approach that brings together teachers, students, and experts to shape a brighter future for our nation. Let's work together to create an education system that truly serves our students and our society.


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