Summary of Arising Matters by TTAG President Soale Razak via Twitter (X)

Amos Famouz

The President of the Teacher Trainees Association of Ghana (TTAG), Soale Razak, spoke passionately about the devastating impact of the Colleges of Education Teachers Association (CETAG) strike on teacher trainees. He expressed his frustration and disappointment with the lack of progress in resolving the strike, despite numerous meetings and appeals to the government and CETAG.

Soale Razak emphasized the need for a better future for teacher education in Ghana, highlighting the challenges faced by teacher trainees, including inadequate resources, poor infrastructure, and lack of support from the government. He stressed that the strike has left thousands of teacher trainees feeling stranded and uncertain about their future.

The TTAG President announced the decision to embark on a peaceful protest nationwide to demand a better future for teacher education in Ghana. He called on all teacher trainees, teachers, and education stakeholders to join the protest, emphasizing the need for unity and collective action.

Soale Razak also addressed the issue of neglect and marginalization of teacher trainees, stating that they have been ignored and dismissed for too long. He emphasized that teacher trainees are the future of Ghana's education system and deserve better treatment and support.

He also highlighted the challenges faced by teacher trainees in feeding and microteaching, emphasizing the need for adequate resources and support in these areas. He stressed that teacher trainees must be provided with the necessary tools and resources to excel in their studies and future careers, including access to quality feeding programs and microteaching opportunities.

The CETAG strike has had a devastating impact on students' microteaching, leaving them without the necessary guidance and support to complete their studies. Soale Razak emphasized the need for the government and CETAG to take responsibility for resolving the strike and addressing the challenges faced by teacher trainees.

Soale Razak emphasized the need for collective action and unity among teacher trainees, teachers, and education stakeholders to demand a better future for teacher education in Ghana. He urged everyone to join the peaceful protest and to come together with clarity and vision to fight for a better future.

 The TTAG President's speech emphasized the need for a better future for teacher education in Ghana, and highlighted the challenges faced by teacher trainees in feeding and microteaching. He urged teacher trainees to come together with clarity and vision to demand a better future, and emphasized the importance of leadership and accountability in resolving the strike and addressing the challenges faced by teacher trainees.

Click on the link below and listen to his full speech

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