The GRNMA demands a cancellation of certificate and diploma programs, pushing for a degree-only approach in nursing education

Ndebugri Amos Famouz

Cancelation of certificate and Diploma courses for nurses.

In a way  that could revolutionize the healthcare industry in Ghana, Dr. David Tenkorang Twum, General Secretary of the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association, has called for the abolition of Diploma and Certificate nursing courses. This bold proposal is rooted in Dr. Tenkorang's belief that nursing should have a single entry point, akin to other professions, to ensure the highest quality healthcare for all Ghanaians.

Speaking with passion and conviction on Joy News, Dr. Tenkorang emphasized the need for reform in Ghana's current system, which he described as inefficient and outdated. He pointed to our neighboring Nigeria as a shining example, where all registered nurses hold a first degree. "We can do better than that," he asserted, his voice filled with determination. "We have the talent, the resources, and the schools to train nurses at the degree level."

Dr. David Tenkorang Twum, General Secretary of the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association

The statistics paint a stark picture: a staggering 60% of Ghana's nurses hold certificates or diplomas, while a mere 40% have degrees. Dr. Tenkorang is adamant that upgrading the workforce to degree-level will have a transformative impact on maternal health and other key indicators. "The research is clear," he stressed. "A highly skilled and prepared nursing workforce is the backbone of better health outcomes."

The question on everyone's mind is, "What about the devoted nurses who have already worked tirelessly to earn their certificates and diplomas?" Dr. Tenkorang's response is warm and inclusive, "We will not leave them behind. Our vision is to uplift and support all nurses, regardless of their current qualifications." With a reassuring smile, he continues, "We will provide access courses to enhance their knowledge and skills, ensuring they remain updated and competent in their field." This promise is music to the ears of dedicated nurses who have been seeking opportunities to advance their careers. Many are already seizing these chances to upgrade to degrees, a testament to their unwavering commitment to excellence and their passion for delivering exceptional patient care. Dr. Tenkorang's words are a beacon of hope, acknowledging the value of experience and dedication, while also encouraging continuous growth and development. His vision is a celebration of the nursing profession, recognizing the vital role nurses play in our healthcare system.

Dr. Tenkorang's vision is clear: a nursing personnel who is highly trained, skilled, and prepared to provide quality healthcare that rivals the best in the world. By scrapping Diploma and Certificate courses, Ghana can take a giant leap towards achieving this goal. As he said, "We need to cancel certificate and diploma programs and train nurses at the degree level. It's a bold decision, but we need to do it." The future of nursing in Ghana hangs in the balance, and Dr. Tenkorang's call to action is a beacon of hope for a healthier, brighter tomorrow.

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