Nursing Trainees Block Road to Meet Former President John Mahama ( Watch video)

Amos Famouz


Nursing students at Goaso Training College recently made headlines when they blocked a major road in their town. Their aim was simple, to meet former President John Dramani Mahama, who was visiting the area as part of his campaign for the 2024 elections.

The students, many of whom support the National Democratic Congress (NDC), wanted to hear directly from Mahama. They believe he understands the struggles they face as future healthcare workers and were eager to hear his plans for improving healthcare and nursing training in Ghana. To ensure they got the chance to meet him, they decided to block the road.

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Mahama, who is running for president again, has a strong connection with healthcare workers, especially nurses. When he was president, he introduced policies to improve healthcare infrastructure and the conditions of nurses. 

Many of the students remember these efforts and see him as a leader who can help their profession grow.

Although the roadblock caused a brief traffic disruption, the nursing students were determined to make their voices heard.

 Videos from the scene show them in their uniforms, cheering and chanting as they waited for Mahama. Their excitement showed just how much they believed in his ability to address their concerns.

Watch the video below

When Mahama arrived, he spoke to the students about his vision for the future of nursing in Ghana. And how his 24 hour economy policy will aid in recruiting more nurses.

He acknowledged the challenges they face, such as a lack of resources and infrastructure, and promised to tackle these issues if elected. He also praised the dedication of nurses, recognizing their critical role in the healthcare system.

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The event in Goaso was just one stop on Mahama’s campaign tour. His connection with young people, especially students and healthcare workers, is a key part of his appeal. The nursing students’ roadblock was more than just a protest, it was a show of support from future nurses who believe Mahama can bring the changes they hope for.

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